
the problem with NASA

what the priorities of NASA should be:
1. Conduct research, particularly environmental research, on Earth, the sun and Venus (the most earth-like planet).
2. locate asteroids and comets that might strike earth, and devise a practical means of deflecting them.
3. increase humanity's store of knowledge by studying the distant universe.
4. figure out a way to replace today's chemical rockets with a much cheaper way to reach Earth orbit.

the current priorities of NASA:
1. maintain a pointless space station
2. build a pointless base on the moon
3. increase humanity's store of knowledge by studying the distant universe.
4. keep money flowing to favored aerospace contractors and congressional districts.


  1. I'm fairly certain you may not have read as much about NASA as you think you have.

  2. Nope. I definitely HAVE read as much about NASA as I think I have!

  3. Fight! Fight! Fight!
