
Watching The Evening News Will Make You Dumber

a few recent news items on the local news:

1. Susan Boyle - ugly lady with pretty singing voice. the world is stunned. we are now on day 12 of this ongoing news coverage. uggh.

2. Miss USA contestant thinks marriage should be between a male and female. The world is outraged and offended by her comments. WTF?! Are we living in the twilight zone?
B-list pseudo-celebrity-freak Perez Hilton calls her an effin' b*tch because of what she said. really? REALLY? is everyone such a fricken baby nowadays that anytime anyone gives their opinion about something everyone gets super offended?

3. ArtPrize. Grandson of one of the Amway founders decides to create an art contest where the winner (based on popular votes) wins cash prize. Anyone who knows anything about modern art understands that any "art" that is truly popular is as bland and boring as possible. pointless.

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